Churchyard Wall News

Restoration Update May 2019

You may be interested to see we have a group of conservation brick layers in the churchyard at present. They are busy replacing a dangerously leaning section of wall near the cottages and effecting repairs on some of the defects in other sections of this ancient wall. We’ve had some new copings and plinth bricks made especially for the job by a Burwell brickmaker. A visit there is well worth the effort if you are in the area. So, whilst the copings will not be a good colour match for a year or two it will all colour up in time. They will also be doing some repointing which will restore the durability to the wall. We are only doing part of the work at present. Hopefully when money is available, we’ll get more done.

Grants have been given for part of the current work from the Parish Council and Cambridge Community Foundation as well as from individuals to whom we are most grateful. This is all part of an ongoing effort to keep our beautiful Grade 1 listed church and churchyard in the best possible state.

We are now also busy planning the redecoration of the inside of the church which is long overdue. This all takes time and a lot of effort fund raising, but we’ll get there.