Letter from the Vicarage

Dear Friends,

November is the season of Remembrance. We gather to remember all those who have lost their lives in war on Sunday 14th November at 10.15am in Haslingfield and at 10.55am in Harlton. We also gather to remember those we have loved and are no longer with us on Tuesday 2nd November at our All Souls’  Service in Harlton at 7.30pm.

At Remembrance Services we give thanks for those who have died and the way their lives and the sacrifices they have made, have made the world a better place. At the All Souls’ Service on 2nd November there will be time to light a candle for each person named during the service. If you cannot attend the service do come into church at another time and light a candle in memory of your loved ones or write their name on the list in church and we will light a candle for you at the service.

November will be a poignant month for many of us who have been recently bereaved as we look back and cherish our memories. It is also a time when we celebrate with the saints in heaven on All Saints’ Day, remembering that our separation from our loved ones who have died is temporary. Do join us for this special patronal festival at All Saints’, Haslingfield which we are celebrating on All Saints’ Eve, Sunday 31st October at 5.30pm with mulled wine and cake followed by a short service and candlelit procession around the church. Then on Advent Sunday, the last Sunday in November this year, we start looking forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus, our Saviour, who walks with us through times of sorrow and of joy. 

In the season of Advent we light one extra candle every Sunday on the Advent wreath as we prepare to celebrate the coming of Christ, the light of the world, at the Christingle and Nativity Events, Midnight Communions and Christmas Day Services.

With blessings to you all

Revd Claire Robertson, Team Vicar