All Saints’ Church is part of the Church of England within the Diocese of Ely and part of the Lordsbridge Team. The Lordsbridge Team brings together eleven Church of England parishes, which cover an area approximately ten miles square just west of Cambridge. For more information about the Lordsbridge Team, see the website, Facebook page or Instagram.
All Saints’ Church is not just a beautiful building, it’s about the people that worship there. Here on our website you’ll find a little more information about what goes on in the church and the people involved…
Church Access Statement
There are parking spaces close to the church door.
Wheelchair Access
A metal ramp kept in the church porch is provided to enable wheelchair users access to the main body of the church. Assistance is required to position it against a low step and also to open the inner church door. The chancel is not accessible but if requested, Communion can be taken in the main body of the church. Please ask a sides person as you enter the church if you would like this.
There are two toilets in the church, both situated in the tower room; they are available only during services and events. One contains baby changing facilities and is also wheelchair accessible. If necessary, the toilets can be reached by the west door of the church; assistance is required to open this door. Ambulant users with impaired mobility may wish to access the toilet via the west door rather than using the steps to it which are in the church.
Please note: At this time there is no safe access to the toilets for people using heavy motorised wheelchairs independently. The wooden ramp has no sides and the access to the toilets is across grass in the approach to the West Door.
Auditory Aids
Amplification is used in all services and an induction loop is available for hearing-aid users.
Visual Aids
If you require large print service and hymn books, please ask a sides person as you enter the church.