Newsletter and Upcoming Services

Services at All Saints

Sunday 21st July, 9.30am, Holy Communion

Sunday 28th July, 9.30am, Holy Communion

Sunday 4th August, 9.30am, All Age Service

Sunday 11th August, 9.30am, Holy Communion

Sunday 18th August, 9.30am, Holy Communion

Sunday 25th August, 9.30am, Holy Communion

Details of upcoming events can also be found on our Facebook page.

Links to recent sermons and talks can be found here.

18th July 2024

Dear Friends,

We all had a lovely time at the church picnic and impromptu cricket match on the recreation ground on 7th July sheltering under the new gazebo during the showers. We must do this again before too long!

Haslingfield School had a service at All Saints on Thursday 18th July with the different class members sharing their favourite memories of the year, singing songs and us all praying together using the five finger prayers.

Forthcoming Services:

This coming Sunday 21st July Revd Dr Alexandra will be with you for Holy Communion at 9.30am.
Please note there is no Forest Church this month.

I will be with you for Communion on 28th July and again on 5th August for our All Age Service both at 9.30am.

Dates for the Diary:

Saturday September 14th 3-4pm Cann Twins Concert on 2 pianos at All Saints: tickets £15 (under 16s £6). Tickets will be on sale from August: go to for details in August.

Sunday September 15th 2pm Teddy Zip Wire and childrens’ activities before Forest Church at 3pm

Sunday September 29th 10.30am All Saints will be hosting the Team Service as an All Age Service led by Sarah Rittman and me. Please do put the date in your diary.

Our Team Rector advert is now out on and on the Ely Diocese and Pathways websites, closing date 2nd August. Please do pass on to any who might be interested in applying. Interviews will take place in September. Please pray for those who will be applying and those interviewing.

With blessings,
[email protected] 01223 874194

Every fortnight we circulate an email newsletter which contains weekly service information, news from across our congregation and from the Lordsbridge Team.

To find out more, or to sign up to the newsletter please contact us by emailing [email protected].