Saturday 26 September 2020
Subject to confirmation nearer the time and in accordance with appropriate regulations, we hope to hold the 12th Annual Walk on 26th September starting at 11am from Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge to All Saints’ Haslingfield.
This is to commemorate the link with Bishop Mackenzie (see the memorial window in the south aisle of the church) who before going to Africa in 1855 in response to David Livingstone’s appeal to help combat the slave trade, walked out from Cambridge to help with services on Sundays.
We have recently raised monies to help with the renovation of a triple school block and a shortfall of £1541remains. If this can be met, MACS (Malawi Association for Christian Support) will be able to reallocate earmarked funds to other similar projects.
Forms for sponsorship of walkers or to channel donations will be available in the church in due course.
José Hopkins, Walk Organiser, 01223 872190