As you may have read elsewhere on this website, Reverend Charles Mackenzie assisted the Vicar at Haslingfield before he left for Africa in 1855 and established Christianity in Malawi, his base being Magomero. He was a prime mover against the slave trade in that region and to reflect his importance was made the first Missionary Bishop there – ‘Bishop to the Tribes around Lake Nyasa, now Lake Malawi’.

We support education and church projects in Magomero and are currently raising money for an additional teacher’s house at the Bishop Mackenzie School.

Here are two photos taken when a representative from MACS (Malawi Association for Christian Support) visited Magomero in July.

Magamero July 16 2

The first shows an existing teacher’s house; the community is very excited at the prospect of a new one. They have already mounded and burnt the bricks and are ready to collect sand, stones and water, all of these used in the building process.

Magamero July 16 1

The second picture is of a teaching block in the school. The school has 930 pupils (equal boys and girls), 10 teachers, 2 teacher’s houses, 4 double classroom blocks (they will need 1 more after the new one is built) and a block of 7 toilets. New buildings are being built on higher ground because of damage lower down caused by last year’s floods.