From the Vicarage

Apparently when I was in my first year of primary school, I was chosen to play Mary in the Christmas play. My mother spent hours making the costume and was devastated when on the opening night … I refused to play the part! I confess I do not remember this act of rebellion and after 38 years, I’m truly sorry Mum. When my elder child was asked to play a star at her first preschool Christmas play, I was relieved when a costume was already there, and she played the star happily!

The star of course was an integral part in that very first Christmas in showing the way for others to follow and find Jesus. No sat-nav, motorway signs or GPS trackers were used – just the age-old method of reading the skies, the night-sky providing the light and direction to show the Magi and others the way ahead.

Continuing the star-gazing theme, a beautiful little booklet called Follow the Star has come out in time for Christmas this year, produced by the Church of England, with a series of daily reflections through the 12 days of Christmas. In the words of the foreword, ‘Wherever you are this Christmas, you are invited to follow the star and to be with Jesus. You are welcome. You are deeply known and truly loved’.

Join in if you like or follow us as we gather across our churches over Christmas, celebrating and taking part in that same journey in a variety of ways. Everyone, as always, is more than welcome. If you would like your own copy of Follow the Star, then get in touch with me and I can pass you a copy, or #FollowTheStar on social media.

If unlike the 4 year old me, you have children who like dressing up and would like the opportunity to take part in the Christmas story, please join us for the DIY Nativity at All Saint’s Haslingfield and/or the Pop-up Nativity at the Hare & Hounds in Harlton. There is no pressure with lines, and all the costumes are provided!
However you are approaching Christmas this year, may you know God’s peace, joy and welcome.

Much love, Becca